Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm Bored With Wordpress

Although I don't have a valid reason to be. I haven't posted anything over there in a loooong time. It's cool, though. I didn't have anything interesting to say. I still don't.

Welcome to "the louse" (My new favorite word. Don't ask.). I will talk about my journey into the music business as well as give you my superb and thought-provoking opinions on any given topic. Doesn't that sound just wonderful?

So first things first:

I don't like keeping secrets. I'm really bad at it. Honestly, I believe that my terrible secret keeping skills are a big factor as to why "Captain John Braves The Mighty Raritan" wasn't as interesting as it could have been. I didn't want to wait until I finished the record before I let people hear the songs. All of the songs. So 3 years later, when the album finally came out, that shit was old news. Also, the album sucked.

So now I'm making a "repentance to myself" EP because I hate "Captain John" so much. Well, it's not so much that I hate it. I'm just disappointed with it. I feel like it just took so long to make that it became stale so quickly. So now, the EP (which is already loaded with years-old songs) will hopefully make me feel better.

But the songs are done paper-wise (almost). I've just started to record again today after a two-week break. So far, it sounds pretty cool. It's a few really rockin' songs. More like our previous live shows. I think it's a good idea to let all of the pop and the rock songs out before things get more interesting. The recording of the EP should be done within a couple of weeks (I know, heard that before). Fwa-pack.

I apologize for the boring. I wrote something really long but I deleted it because it was too personal. So let's dumb it down.

In the mean time, I'm working at the Amazon Cafe making smoothies and sandwiches and I'm parking cars at The Manor. So I'm keeping myself really busy. My mom's not too happy. She hasn't seen me in a month. I feel pretty bad about. But that's life, I guess.

Ok. I'm going to write something better tomorrow. Goodnight. If you happened to stumble upon this by accident, thanks for reading. If you actually sought this out... why?


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